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What are the best materials, courses, books and resources to learn bitcoin?

Read the complete list of bitcoin learning sites

When you are new to bitcoin, things can be become overwhelming quickly. There are just so many different things to learn and to understand. Where should you start, and how can you be sure what is said is the truth? It will take some time, but every day you will be a little bit wiser and smarter. Don’t be disappointed if it takes longer than you expected, it is worth it and you will not regret to have learned about bitcoin.

Most people that start learning about bitcoin never stop. There is always something new to learn because Bitcoin(BTC) has more features to explore. Experts agree that for the average user it takes a full day to learn the basic principles. Then you can continue studying for an entire year to become a true master.

Even if you don’t code and may not have technical knowledge you can still learn about bitcoin and make the most out of it.

  1. Bitcoin(BTC) (FREE)
  2. The Looking Glass Education (FREE)
  3. Bitcoin(BTC) Course (FREE)
  4. Ministry of Nodes (FREE)
  5. The best Bitcoin(BTC) books (LIST)
  6. Swan Canon (Articles)
  7. Bitcoin(BTC) Q & A (FREE)
  8. Bitcoin(BTC) (FREE)
  9. Bitcoin(BTC) Whitepaper (FREE & Open Source)