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Now that you’ve learned how to get free bitcoins, you’re probably wondering if there’s an easier way. To be fair, there is no free money. If you come across a message that says “Send me a certain amount of bitcoin or ether…

Now that you’ve learned how to get bitcoin, you’re probably wondering if there’s an easier way. To be fair, there are several ways to get free bitcoins (BTC), but honestly, they probably won’t make you successful.

Some of the most common activities to earn free bitcoins include:

If you come across a message that says “Send me a certain amount of bitcoin or ether and I’ll send you 10x!” it’s just a scam. Don’t believe it, if you can, please report the post on the social media platform where it was posted. How to get free bitcoin is a common question, but also widely misunderstood – in most cases, no one will give you the money directly.

However, you can get free bitcoin, although it may not work for free. The first source of “free bitcoin” you might come across is some kind of bitcoin faucet.

Bitcoin faucet

How do I get free bitcoins 2022


BTC Faucets are websites that distribute small amounts of Bitcoin every few minutes. It’s a PTC (pay-per-click) business, and it works like this: faucets attract website visitors to generate ad views, which in turn reward users with a small percentage of ad revenue. Of course, you need to disable your ad blocker and be prepared to deal with a lot of ads.

Faucets are the easiest yet cheapest way to earn BTC. You get anything from a few cents to a dollar an hour. In most cases it also takes a long time to get enough bitcoins to withdraw, so do the math and see if it’s worth the effort.

Utmost free bitcoin gates come and go, so chancing a estimable bone
is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Yet, there are many which are more popular than others

You need a bitcoin portmanteau to use a gate. See our companion on how to store cryptocurrency safely to learn how to get one. A complete and over to date list of bitcoin gates can be set up at the Mac Observer.

Bitcoin rewards

Bitcoin rewards

Bitcoin price( cashback) apps are the best- kept secret to earning free bitcoin. Whenever you buy commodity online, you may use one of the following apps to get back a chance of your purchase in BTC

Bitcoin cashback prices aren’t only a great way to mound sats but also save plutocrat on your purchases. Be sure to check them out!

Completing microtasks

Completing microtasks, games, or other tasks to get free bitcoin are simply more advanced forms of gates. For illustration, you can break mystifications — there are several of those that if you break, you get a certain quantum of bitcoin. In this way, you ’re not only watching advertisements for bitcoin but also are contending forit.However, enjoy small games, and have plenitude of time to kill, If you do n’t mind it.

Working for Bitcoin (BTC)

We formerly established a notion that there’s no similar thing as free bitcoin. In utmost cases, you have to trade your time and trouble for it, and there’s no easy way around it. So rather of chasing bitty earnings, you might also try to get paid in bitcoin for your bents.

It’s especially feasible if you ’re a freelancer, but you might also ask your regular hand to pay you in BTC. Alternately, you can try one of these styles

Ask for bitcoin donations on your website or blog.
Offer your services to companies do business in the crypto space.
Look for a job announcement at spots, Crypto Jobs List, Cryptogrind, Jobs4Bitcoins, and analogous.
Ask for tips under your online posts or other benefactions. For illustration, extension is a great way to admit bitcoin micropayments on Twitter.

Getting free bitcoin via chapter programs

An frequently overlooked way to get a fair share of free BTC is to share in chapter programs. Like work, it’ll consume your time and energy, but if you ’re married, you ’re likely to earn a full payment or indeed more.

numerous bitcoin exchanges, holdalls
, and other products and services offer chapter programs for everyone who can bring them paying guests. How you promote your chapter links is a matter of your imagination you can partake them on Facebook, run announcement juggernauts, set up a niche website or enticing videotape blog. The only limit is your creativity and imagination.
How do I get free bitcoins 2022

There’s no similar thing as free bitcoin

Of course, there are numerous further indispensable ways to get bitcoin. We ’ve slightly scratched the face then, but other forms of carrying bitcoin bear further capital.

For case, you might want to come a crypto dealer using platforms like eToro, Xcoins, Binance, HitBTC, BitMEX, and others. Alternately, you can mine bitcoin using your own or rented mining gear. Last but not least, there are plenitude of bitcoin pavilions or advancing services where you can earn interest on your BTC. still, these options are high- threat conditioning and should be treated with caution.

As you can see, there are numerous ways of getting “ free ” bitcoin. still, plutocrat does n’t grow on trees, and if someone makes it look so, it actually is n’t free at all. Indeed getting free BTC from gates, games, or microtasks takes time and trouble.

Meanwhile, the most profitable ways to get BTC bear capital and sufficient knowledge of online marketing, blockchain technology, and cryptocurrencies. Flash back to invest your time and plutocrat not only in bitcoin but also in literacy.