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YouTube has announced the launch of a new report in YouTube Studio which will display the number of new and returning views by content format within your channel insights.

YouTube returning viewers report

As you can see in this example, now, in the Analytics > Content > All section, you’ll be able to get a quick overview of total new, returning, and subscribed viewers by format type, which will make it easier to see how each of your posts is performing.

The main driver here is likely Shorts, which is the fastest-growing content format in the app. Over 2 billion YouTube users now watch Shorts content every month, and as YouTube looks to feed into this demand, it’s pushing for more creators to post short clips, which will also help them boost their channel awareness.

This new report will put even more emphasis on the value of Shorts, by showing just how much of an impact it can have in driving audience engagement. Live videos could also be a big driver for some channels, and having more specific breakdowns will make it easier to see what you should be focused on in your process.

Which, given the stats, is going to be Shorts. If you’re not experimenting with short-form video as yet, it’s likely worth trying, and seeing what your audience responds to, on YouTube and in other apps.

YouTube says that the new analytics overview is being rolled out from this week.